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If you want to look like a Disney princess, you don’t need a fairy godmother to help you freshen up your look. Instead, you can create your own relaxing spa day inspired by the House of Mouse’s royal family. Air a marathon of your favorite Disney princess movies while you try these homemade beauty treatments that will make you feel just as flawless as an animated Disney damsel:

Cinderella’s Dirty Face Mask

Poor Cinderella’s face was always covered with soot from the fireplace, but this probably wasn’t a bad thing – now women are purposely smearing charcoal on their faces to de-plug their pores and treat acne. If you want to experiment with charcoal as a beauty treatment, don’t go digging around in your fireplace – purchase activated charcoal from a health food store. You might also be able to find activated charcoal capsules in the section of your grocery store that sells products for tummy troubles. You just have to break open the capsules to use the charcoal inside.

You can create a charcoal face mask by mixing together ½ teaspoon activated charcoal powder, ½ aloe vera gel, and ½ teaspoon water. Stir the mixture well and smear the paste on your face. Let it completely dry before rinsing. Your flawless skin is sure to make your wicked stepsisters super jealous.

Homemade Charcoal Face Mask Recipe

Homemade Charcoal Face Mask Recipe

  • 1/2 tsp activated charcoal powder
  • 1/2 aloe vera gel
  • 1/2 tsp water

Mix the ingredients together and apply to your face. Let the mixture dry completely before washing off.

Princess Tiana’s Green Mask

If you’re not sold on the idea of smearing charcoal on your face, you can take a page from “The Princess and the Frog” by going green. And no, I’m not saying that you should kiss a frog or get turned into one – instead, you should embrace the color of envy by rocking a French green clay mask. It will give you soft, kissable skin by tightening your pores and removing dead skin cells.

Snow White’s Teeth-Cleaning Trick

Snow White had a good reason for biting into that poisoned apple – she just wanted to make sure that her breath was fresh for true love’s kiss. Snow White look-alike Catherine Zeta-Jones once said that she eats an apple after a meal to clean and polish her teeth. She also swears that strawberries can remove surface stains, so beg your forest critter friends to run out into the woods and fetch you a batch of the tasty fruits.

Ariel’s Mermaid Hair

To get wild mermaid hair like Ariel, don’t get a fork (or a dinglehopper) all tangled up in your locks. The secret to a perfect summer hairstyle is a good DIY sea salt spray. Simply use a spray bottle to mix together 8 ounces of distilled water, 1 teaspoon sea salt, ½ teaspoon coconut-scented conditioner, and a drop of unscented hair gel. Shake the ingredients well and spritz the spray on damp hair. Give your locks a good scrunching and let them air-dry to create natural mermaid waves.

Homemade Sea Salt Spray Recipe

Homemade Sea Salt Spray Recipe

  • Spray Bottle
  • 8 oz distilled water
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp coconut-scented conditioner
  • Drop unscented hair gel

Add ingredients to the spray bottle and shake well. Spritz spray on damp hair, scrunch hair, and let it air dry.

Elsa’s Icy Face Bath

“Frozen” princess Elsa loves the cold, and her beloved ice might just be her biggest beauty secret. In fact, she’s not the only famous blonde who has embraced being chilly. Gwyneth Paltrow believes that a little ice can make skin look rather nice. Here’s the star’s advice: “Put your face in a bowl of ice water and repeat to reduce swelling and bring fresh blood flow to your face.” Try this one in the morning after getting plenty of beauty sleep (just don’t stay in bed as long as Sleeping Beauty).

5 Beauty Treatments Inspired By Disney Princesses