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Traditionally speaking, the role of your father on your wedding day, as a bride, of course, is to escort his daughter to the wedding ceremony and walk her down the aisle, with the mother of the bride simply tasked with wearing the second-best outfit in the room. 

However, if you are particularly close with your parents and want to do things differently, continue reading to learn of five fabulous ways to include your parents in your wedding day. 

1. Involve Them in Choosing the Venue 

Naturally, your parents will have realized that you are no longer their baby and as such, are happy and fulfilled to see you find the love of your life and prepare to marry them in front of all your family and friends. 

However, the impending wedding will be a mixture of different emotions for your mom and dad, so if you are lucky enough to still have them alive and well in your life, then a beautiful way of including them would be to let them take you to view various venue  like the Hartford Society Rooms stunning and historic wedding reception venues.

2. Include Them in the Wedding Procession

Another fabulous idea is to include them in the very beginning of the wedding, during the processional.

Instead of just your father walking you down the aisle, you could have your mother on one arm and him on the other, or indeed, have them both walk down the aisle in front of you before you and your bridesmaids start walking. 

3. Have Your Parents Keep the Wedding Bands 

A small detail you could include in your wedding vows as a sentimental and heartfelt addition is having your parents hold onto the wedding bands until it is time for them to be presented to you and your partner. 

Wedding guests may well miss the significance at the back of the church, but for your mother and your father, they will be moved and truly touched by such an inclusion. 

4. Ask Them to Sign Your Marriage License 

Even though the fundamental purpose of marrying your significant other is to seal your relationships with love, the legal matters of actually becoming married is represented by signing your official marriage certificate.

Now, traditionally, it is usual that the groom chooses one of his closest friends or family members to witness the marriage and co-sign, with the bride doing the same. Still, you could choose to switch this up and have both parents sign the certificate instead. 

5. Have One or Both Your Parents Present a Reading 

The fifth and final suggestion on how to make your loving parents feel included in the ceremony is to ask them if they would like to prepare, either as a solo or joint endeavor, a personalized reading to come right before the vows.

They could choose to write something themselves, or instead choose a meaningful passage or poem that is perfectly suited to the day. 

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5 Fabulous Ways to Include Your Parents in Your Wedding