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Give what you have and what you started out with, the best of care. That is an important rule when dealing with natural Afro-type hair. There are many people who possess this type of hair and are ignorant of the make-up and structure of their hair, so they get frustrated and resort hastily to the chemical straightening of the hair. This in itself will only damage the hair more, especially if it was not properly taken care of in its natural state.

Before considering straightening as a method to cure your hair-care woes, you need to first get your hair to a certain level of health. People always look at hair care as an external thing but never consider what you do internally contributes heavily to the health and condition of your hair. That is why the first thing one should do is try to improve one’s health.

Make the effort to eat more fruits and vegetables every day, keep the body sufficiently hydrated, make sure to include essential fatty acids and antioxidants in your diet, for example, fish, nuts, olive oil, flaxseed oil, et cetera. Exercise will definitely prove beneficial to you in terms of increasing your overall circulation from toe to scalp!

The Best Regimen For Kinky Hair

Your Afro-type hair for so many years has for the most part been shoved aside, masked and altered, but rarely studied in its natural form, because of this most women who may have had to cut off chemically processed hair realize that they have either forgotten how to take care of their natural hair or never knew how in the first place! In this day and age, there is more widespread knowledge about the African hair type and its many textures.

It is established now that African hair is definitely not a haphazard array of knots but simply put super-curled hair or closely cropped hair that consists of extremely tight curls. You know this now, so what do you do next? How do you wash it?

Start with a herbal brand shampoo and conditioner that is vitamin enriched e.g. vitamin E, A. Make sure no matter how long or short your hair is to divide your hair into smaller more manageable parts that can be better handled, so for example, you will braid or plait your hair in about four to six equal parts according to its length or thickness. Ensure that it is well combed in its dry state. After, simply shampoo each of the sectioned-off parts one by one, using a comb with fairly big teeth’ to comb and shampoo as you go.

Use the same method for rinsing and conditioning your hair. This increases manageability almost a hundredfold. After the washing process, it is the wisest to comb wet or damp. Use something as simple as petroleum jelly or olive oil scented with a few drops of lavender oil. Remember your hair as it is already one of the driest hair types will not do well with ingredients that only make hair tougher in quality for example hair creams and greases that have a lot of protein components in them. Use more natural plant-based oils and creams.

I would even go on to advise that you make your own preparations, the aforementioned as well as mixing natural aloe or aloe vera gel (hair’s friend) and petroleum jelly. You can also mix Blackseed (Nigella sativa) oil and olive oil to encourage hair growth and overall good health.

For your own good please try to wash hair only once a week especially if you are not an athlete or do any particularly arduous form of manual labor. Practice these little things and see if you will even have the need to straighten them.

How To Deal With Kinky Hair