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Looking for a great gift for your new lover to show them how much you care? Here are some helpful tips and suggestions:

Romantic Gifts For Men

With guys, you really have to listen to what they say to pick up on good ideas. Is he a fan of the Eagles or Flyers? Does he talk about the latest music? Is he the cook in your family? Take a look at his fashion sense, too.

Is he the suit-and-tie type, or does he live in jeans and work boots? Sports fanatics might appreciate memorabilia or tickets to their team’s home game. Cooks may want the latest gadget for the kitchen, or a new knife to chop vegetables. Guys who are crazy about favorite bands may like concert tickets or a band t-shirt. If you get tickets to Kpop, check out these Kpop concert outfit ideas

Make sure you listen in on what he doesn’t like, too. You’ll know what to avoid as well.

Does he enjoy traveling? If you both have President’s Day Weekend off or can wrangle it, perhaps he’d enjoy a stay at a bed-and-breakfast. Or perhaps a way to relax would be appropriate. You can get a session with a masseuse, or a gift of new pajamas to cuddle up together.

Is he a tech geek? Look around for the latest tech gadgets – laptops, smartphones, and accessories. Make sure he remembers that the love comes with it.

Romantic Gifts For Women

For men looking for something to give ladies, you have a very wide variety of options to choose from. Give her a small but tasteful ring or bracelet. Women who can’t live without a new pair of shoes may appreciate a cozy pair of boots or strappy sandals for work.

Lingerie is a bit more questionable. Make sure it’s in good enough taste that she thinks you’re buying it for her, not for you. And for a busy woman who doesn’t have time to take care of herself, a gift certificate to a local spa may be a perfect idea.

Romantic Gifts For Everyone

When it comes to telling your new sweetheart that you care, remember it’s the thought that counts. You don’t need to spend a ton of money on a huge bouquet of flowers or the largest box of chocolate in the store. While many people do appreciate chocolate, how about a small box of their favorite kind? You can print love coupons on your computer for anything they may want, from a free backrub to a homemade candlelight dinner.

It doesn’t cost anything to show that you care. You can leave a love note on a bathroom mirror, or send one in the mail – it’s far more intimate than an e-mail. Here are some intimate questions to ask your partner – maybe ask them something steamy! If they have a goofier sense of humor, they may enjoy a funny card instead. 

Frame a picture of the two of you happy…just to say “I love seeing us happy together.”

Serve your lover breakfast in bed, or leave them a single rose or chocolates on the pillows. Go to the mushiest movie out right now and kiss in the back row.

Remember, it doesn’t have to cost a lot to show someone you care. It’s the love behind the thought that really matters.

Romantic Gift Ideas For New Lovers