How To Save Money On Hair Products

hair products

Since our hair is one of the first things that many people notice about our appearance, we go out of our way to have it looking perfect all the time. Haircare does not have to be expensive, however. If you put some thought into how you care for your hair, let us explore some of the possible ways to save money on hair care.


If we were to believe the commercials we are exposed to both via our computers and televisions, we would be running out and purchasing the most expensive shampoo that is available. Do not waste money on expensive shampoo. While it is smart to avoid harsh compounds like are found in baby shampoo (think about what we must wash from the hair of babies), the chances are that nearly any shampoo will clean your hair when used properly.

Do not use a handful of shampoo when washing, use about a “dime-sized” dollop. If you notice that it is not producing enough suds, re-wash, shampoo, when mixed with normal oils in your hair, will not suds up properly and this should indicate a second washing is in order.

If you are purchasing a shampoo/conditioner blend to save money, you may notice that is very thick. Do not hesitate to dilute it somewhat; you will still have clean, shiny, and manageable hair. Shampoo can be purchased in dollar stores, thrift stores, and even in beauty supply shops that are open to the public. They still clean your hair.


One of the best reasons to not buy a shampoo that contains a conditioner is build-up. This is especially true if you wash your hair daily. Using a separate conditioner can be far more economical than purchasing one that is already mixed with shampoo. Most of us do not require a daily conditioner. In years past, you could purchase a product called “cream rinse,” which would leave your hair tangle-free and softer.

Today, this product does not appear to be anywhere on any store shelves. Most conditioning products are very thick and heavy. If you find that the conditioner is very thick, consider diluting it. Find the mix that works for you. This could be one way of saving money on hair care. Also, experiment with alternating days on using conditioner to see if you use it daily is necessary.

Hair Cuts

The average person’s hair grows about one-half an inch per month. Many of us have been told by our hairdressers that we should have our hair cut every six to eight weeks to maintain a healthy look. Instead of having your hair cut this frequently, consider having it cut shorter than you normally would and having it cut every twelve to sixteen weeks instead.

This would mean only about two inches of additional growth for most of us. Additional ways of saving money on hair care include using chains like “SuperCuts” which offer inexpensive hair cuts. Another option is to find out if there is a trade school in your area that has a “public” hair care salon.

Hair Spray/Mousse/Gels

Unless you have extremely hard to manage hair, most people do not require the added weight of sprays, gels, and mousse in their hair. In fact, using these products will force you to wash your hair daily. These products contain significant amounts of alcohol and can result in your hair feeling more dry, meaning you have to use more conditioner as well. Unless you absolutely have to use them, cutting these products from your hair care routine will result in you saving more money on hair care.


If you have ever read a woman’s magazine of any type, you have no doubt heard nightmares about home coloring kits, perm kits, and highlight kits. While these products are more inexpensive than having these treatments done at a salon, be careful. While many can safely use these products at home when they are saving money on hair care, be certain to heed all warnings and follow directions.

Do not try to save money at the expense of winding up with green or orange hair from not following directions. These processes are often offered in places like “SuperCuts” and in trade schools that are offering cosmetology classes. Using these services is another way of saving money on hair care.

Thousands of dollars in hair care products are sold annually. You do not have to purchase the most expensive products on the shelf to have great-looking hair. In addition to these tips for saving money on hair care, you can find ways to care for your hair at home with products that you may already have.

Explore some of the alternatives that are available for great-looking hair. Saving money on hair care does not mean your hair has to look terrible.

How To Save Money On Hair Products

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