12 Home Remedies And Supplements For Hair Loss

Nutritional supplements such as biotin, niacin, iron, zinc, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids may potentially help some people with their thinning hair symptoms

Hair loss can be a difficult and embarrassing problem for many people. In the past, hair loss sufferers have often been limited to expensive treatments or surgical procedures which may not always be an affordable option. However, there are now a variety of supplements and home remedies that could help those suffering from hair loss find relief. Let’s take a look at what some of these options are and how they work.

Home Remedies And Supplements For Hair Loss

While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for hair loss, some home remedies and supplements may help slow down or even reverse the effects of hair loss.

12 Home Remedies And Supplements For Hair Loss

1. Biotin

Biotin is an essential nutrient that helps improve the strength of your hair follicles. It has been found to promote healthy, thick hair and reduces shedding in people with thinning hair. The recommended daily dosage is 2.5 mg and can be taken as a supplement or through foods like eggs, nuts, and whole grains.

2. Niacin

Niacin is a vitamin that helps reduce inflammation in the scalp which can lead to thinning hair. Taking niacin as a supplement has been found to improve blood circulation and the overall health of your scalp, resulting in stronger hair. The recommended daily dosage is 3 mg and can be taken as a supplement or through foods like meats, fish, and enriched cereals.

3. Iron

Iron is an important mineral that helps carry oxygen to the scalp which provides much needed nourishment to the follicles. A deficiency in iron can lead to hair loss, so it’s important to make sure you are getting enough of this vital nutrient. The recommended daily dosage is 18 mg and can be taken as a supplement or through foods like red meat, beans, and spinach.

4. Zinc

Zinc helps protect the scalp from damage caused by free radicals. It also helps keep your hair follicles strong and healthy which leads to better hair growth. The recommended daily dosage is 11 mg and can be taken as a supplement or through foods like oysters, nuts, and legumes.

5. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is important for promoting healthy hair growth. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to thinning hair so it’s important that you get enough of this essential vitamin. The recommended daily dosage is 600 IU and can be taken as a supplement or through foods like fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified cereals.

6. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids provide essential nutrients needed for healthy hair growth. They help keep the scalp moisturized and reduce inflammation which can lead to hair loss. The recommended daily dosage is 1,000 mg and can be taken as a supplement or through foods like salmon, sardines, and flaxseeds.

7. Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil is known to contain compounds that help stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, which in turn helps promote hair growth. It can also help strengthen existing hairs on the head, making it less likely for them to break or fall out. Additionally, rosemary oil has antifungal properties that can help treat scalp infections which can contribute to hair loss. To use rosemary oil as a home remedy, mix a few drops of it with a carrier oil such as olive oil or jojoba oil and apply it directly to your scalp every day.

8. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice contains citric acid which helps break down dead skin cells on the scalp while also helping to kill bacteria and fungus. This makes it helpful in treating dandruff, scalp infections, and other issues that may contribute to hair loss. To reap the benefits of lemon juice, simply squeeze the juice from one lemon into a cup of water and massage it into your scalp before washing your hair with shampoo as usual. Do this two or three times per week for best results.

9. Camphor Oil

Camphor oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties which make it effective in treating dry scalp and itching caused by dandruff or psoriasis. It also stimulates blood circulation when applied topically, helping promote new hair growth by nourishing the follicles with oxygenated blood. To use camphor oil as a home remedy for baldness, mix several drops with an equal amount of coconut or almond oil before applying directly onto your scalp twice daily until you start seeing results.

10. Amla

Amla (also known as Indian gooseberry) is rich in Vitamin C which helps protect against oxidative damage caused by free radicals that can contribute to hair loss or balding spots on the head over time. It also helps stimulate collagen production while promoting healthy cell growth in the scalp area so that new hairs can grow strong and healthy without easily falling out again after they’ve grown back in. For best results when using Amla as a home remedy for bald spots, grind up the amla fruit into a powder then mix it with sesame seed oil before rubbing it onto your head twice daily until you start seeing new hairs sprouting up again around those bald spots!

11. Morning Habits

Certain morning habits can be bad for your hair if they involve harsh styling techniques and products. For example, using a high heat setting on a blow dryer or flat iron to style your hair each morning can damage the cuticle layer of the hair and cause it to become brittle over time. Additionally, using excessive amounts of hair products such as gels, sprays and mousses can dry out the hair follicle and scalp, which can lead to further problems with hair loss. Finally, excessive brushing or combing of wet hair in the morning can damage both your scalp and hair shafts. This is because wet hair tends to be more elastic than dry hair and therefore it is more prone to breakage and split ends when being brushed or combed. It is important to use gentler styling techniques and products in order to avoid damaging your hair.

12. Hair Toppers

If all else fails, you can try using a hair topper or wig as a way to cover areas of thinning hair. These items are designed to fit over your existing hair and blend in with your natural color. They can be a great way to boost your confidence while you are working on reversing the effects of hair loss.

Safety Considerations

Before starting any supplement routine for treating hair loss it is important to consult a doctor or healthcare provider first as certain medications could interfere with the effectiveness of the supplements or even make them dangerous if taken together. Additionally, it’s important to understand that not all cases of hair loss are treatable through supplements alone; some cases may require more invasive treatments such as hormone therapy or surgery depending on underlying causes so consulting a dermatologist would always be recommended in order to determine an appropriate course of treatment based on individual needs.


When considering supplements for treating hair loss specifically, there is evidence suggesting biotin may be helpful due to its role in promoting healthy cell growth within our bodies; however more research is needed before any definitive conclusions can be made about its efficacy in this regard specifically so always talk to your doctor first if you’re considering taking any kind of supplement related to this issue! Regardless of whether you choose to try natural home remedies or go with supplements instead—it’s important to remember that not all forms of hair loss are treatable through either method; if your doctor has determined that yours is not then please follow their instructions accordingly—as attempting to self-treat could potentially worsen an already existing condition! Ultimately though—the key takeaway here should be that there are now more options than ever before when it comes to dealing with this issue—so don’t feel defeated just yet! With proper diligence & effort—you too could soon find yourself enjoying life without having to deal with thinning hairs anymore!

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